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Writer's pictureMarcellus Louroza

Can you really spot a FOX?

People diagram of power base
Fox - Power Base Selling

Whenever I interview someone to be hired, whose job requires close contact with customers, I always ask that question! 

Jim Holden, author of the bestseller...

... uses the metaphor of the Customer or Selling Fox to identify the individuals in an organization who are at the center of influence and the heart of the power base. 

These high-integrity individuals put their organization first, often shaping company's policy. Rarely surprised by events, Foxes work behind the scenes to prepare or shape decisions, often long before they are made. They are not necessarily at the top of the organization. 

In fact, in my entire career, I've met very, very few in the highest position. 

The ability to identify them in an organization is a FUNDAMENTAL learned skill. 

In corporate sales, if you don't know who the Fox is, there's a high probability that you're barking up the wrong tree and putting your business at great risk. Can you really spot a FOX?

If so, may the Fox be with you!

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